Trustee's Corner
Please email to contact the trustees:
Chelsea Foster:
Tom Nummela:
Marc Green:
In general, contact the trustees when completing a real estate transaction, and for questions and comments relating to anything else in the neighborhood e.g. trash, safety concerns, issues with common grounds or neighbors. We are here to help if you're having a problem and you're not sure how to handle it.
The RWCID board and the Robinwood West Trustees regularly communicate, so if you raise an issue to any one of us, we will share your concern and get you in contact with the correct person.
Trustee Connection FB Group
In January 2023, the Robinwood West Trustees launched a new Facebook Group called Robinwood West Trustee Connection. This Group is private to Robinwood West owners & residents and is designed to promote a friendly & neighborly exchange of issues, ideas, and suggestions. It is our hope that both new and existing owners and residents consider joining this interactive forum!
Contact the Trustees
Please email your questions or concerns.
Email Trustees Now